On Thursday Oct 28th Rescue Engine 8 and crew visited the first grade at Berryville Primary to talk about fire safety. We would like to thank all the wonderful students who were very well behaved and polite. To all of the teachers and staff thank you for scheduling us into your busy day. We hope everyone learned about the importance of smoke detectors and home exit plans. Remember to change your batteries in your detectors when you set your clocks back. Special thanks to Mrs. Manzuk for participating and putting on all of the firefighter’s personal protective equipment as a demonstration.
MVC with Vehicle Fully Involved
Early Tuesday morning 8 and 21 called for vehicle fire. RE-8 responded with 5 and ambulance 8 followed. On arrival found passenger car fully involved as a result of crash.E-21 came with 4 and assisted with blocking on highway. Amb.-8 checked out driver of car who was uninjured.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 at
Structure Fire 11430 Harry Byrd Hwy
Shortly after 20:00 Hours Stations 1, 8 , and Frederick 18 were dispatched for structure fire. RE -8 responded with 4 and Clarke advised multiple reports of structure fully involved. Captain 1 added Tanker 4 to assignment. Wagon 1 arrived and advised 2 story SFD well involved. They deployed 2 1/2 and advised RE-8 to establish water supply. Crews from RE-8 with the assistance of Winc. Chief 1 opened up walls to assist with knocking fire down. Thanks to our LCFR Brothers for filling our station during incident.
This entry was posted on Sunday, November 15th, 2009 at 10:
Structure Fire on Donn Lane
Company 1 and 8 dispatch for a chimney fire on Donn Lane. Rescue engine 8 responded with 5. Supplemental information from dispatch advised fire through the roof. Chief 8 advised to upgrade assignment to a structure box. On arrival command was transferred to Chief 8. RE 8 set up water supply, and remaining crew of 3 went interior, pulled ceiling, and extinguished fire. Second alarm brought engine and tanker 604 and engine 21.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 at 1
Church Fire
Engine Co. 1, 8, and Frederick 18 was dispatched for a church fire fully involved. FCFR Engine 10 operating as engine 18 arrived first advising smoke visable from the alpha, delta side. Wagon 1 picked up their line, and established water supply. Chief 8 assigned water supply, Captain 8 assigned safety officer. Wagon 8’s crew of four advanced a 2 1/2 inch line through side A holding the fire in quadrants C and D.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 at 9:57 pm
Structure Fire at 207 E. Main Street in Berryville
On Wednesday, December 5, at 22:00 hours, Company 8 units were dispatched for a structure fire at 207 E. Main Street in Berryville. The crew from Rescue Engine 8 attempted to advance a 2 1/2 line until command evacuated the structure due to heavy fire in the ceiling area. Following evacuation, crews were split to provide protection on the Delta exposure. ALS 8’s vehicle was used as the initial command center. Attempts to fight the fire were complicated by a rupture in the gas main feeding the structure. Chief 1 (Sours) had command.